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Free SEO & Digital Marketing Tools ,ASTECH MEGA TOOLS

 Free SEO & Digital Marketing Tools ,ASTECH MEGA TOOLS

As an AI language model, I don't endorse or promote any specific brand or tool, but I can provide you with a list of popular free SEO and digital marketing tools that you can try out:

  1. Google Analytics - provides website traffic data and insights
  1. Google Search Console - helps monitor website performance in search results
  1. Yoast SEO - a WordPress plugin that optimizes your website for search engines
  1. MozBar - a browser extension that provides website metrics and insights
  1. SEMrush - a comprehensive SEO and digital marketing tool for keyword research, website audit, and competitor analysis
  1. Ahrefs - another comprehensive SEO and digital marketing tool for backlink analysis, keyword research, and content analysis
  1. Ubersuggest - a keyword research tool that also provides content ideas and competitor analysis
  1. Screaming Frog - a website crawler that helps with technical SEO audits
  1. Canva - a graphic design tool for creating social media posts, infographics, and other marketing materials
  1. Hootsuite - a social media management tool that allows you to schedule and publish content across different platforms.

These are just a few examples of the many free SEO and digital marketing tools available online. It's important to explore and experiment with different tools to find the ones that work best for your specific needs and goals.

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