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Calorie Calculator

Calorie Calculator

Cms :

Calorie Result
Calorie Needed:
You Must Intake The Following Daily
Fat: per day
Protein: per day
Carbohydrate: per day
Alcohol: per day

What is a calorie calculator?

  1. Calorie: The primary keyword in a calorie calculator, representing the unit of measurement for energy derived from food and beverages.

  2. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): The number of calories burned at rest, which is determined by factors such as age, gender, weight, and height. BMR is the starting point for many calorie calculators.

  3. Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): The total number of calories burned throughout the day, including physical activity and exercise, as well as BMR.

  4. Macronutrients: The three main nutrients that provide calories: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Calculators may provide recommended macronutrient ratios based on an individual's goals.

  5. Body Mass Index (BMI): A measurement of body fat based on height and weight, which may be used to determine a person's recommended daily calorie intake.

  6. Activity Level: The amount of physical activity an individual engages in, ranging from sedentary to very active. This is an important factor in determining daily calorie needs.

  7. Gender: Male and female bodies have different metabolic rates, and this may be taken into account in a calorie calculator.

  8. Age: Age affects metabolism, and therefore the number of calories required to maintain weight and health.

  9. Weight: A person's weight is an important factor in determining calorie needs, as heavier individuals require more energy to maintain their body's functions.

  10. Height: Height may also affect calorie needs, as taller individuals have a higher BMR due to their larger body size.

  11. Goal: Depending on an individual's goals, such as weight loss, weight gain, or weight maintenance, a calorie calculator may provide a recommended daily calorie intake.

  12. Meal Planning: Calorie calculators may also assist in meal planning, providing recommended portion sizes and macronutrient breakdowns for meals and snacks.

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